saint: n.1.神圣的人;圣者;(教会正式尊崇的)圣徒。2.道德崇高的人;圣人;圣者[徒]似的人。3.(被认为已进入天堂的)死者。4.上帝的选民,基督教教徒。5.〔S-〕 〔用于人名,地名前,单数略作 St., S. 复数略作 SS 或 Sts. 〕圣…。短语和例子I am no saint. 我不是圣人。 He is a saint of a man. 他是一个圣人。 All S
Parishes : saint george , saint john ' s , saint mary , saint paul , saint peter , saint phillip 区:圣乔治、圣约翰、圣玛丽、圣保罗、圣彼得、圣菲利普。
Yes , sir , ned lambert said heartily . we are standing in the historic council chamber of saint mary s abbey where silken thomas proclaimed himself a rebel in 1534 “是啊,神父, ”内德兰伯特热切地说, “如今咱们正站在圣玛丽修道院的会议厅里。
Putting all these together , this pavilion is read “ the roman catholic basilica of saint mary of minneapolis next to a thousand lakes and the mississippi river 把所有这些串连起来,这个尖顶伞帐代表着“千湖与密西西比河旁的明尼阿波利斯的罗马天主教会的圣母玛丽亚主座教堂” 。
That ll do , father cowley said , nodding also . the reverend hugh c . love walked from the old chapterhouse of saint mary s abbey past james and charles kennedy s , rectifiers , attended by geraldines tall and personable , towards the tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles 洛夫神父从圣玛利修道院那古老的教士会堂踱出来,在杰拉尔丁家族那些高大英俊的人们陪伴下,经过詹姆斯与查理肯尼迪合成酒厂,穿过围栏渡口,朝索尔塞尔走去。
Now let us speak of that fellowship that was there to the intent to be drunken an they might . there was a sort of scholars along either side the board , that is to wit , dixon yclept junior of saint mary merciable s with other his fellows lynch and madden , scholars of medicine , and the franklin that high 桌子两侧就坐者为:仁慈圣母玛利亚医院二年级学生迪克森,其伙伴医科学生林奇和马登21 ,乡绅利内翰阿尔巴隆加出身之克罗瑟斯22 ,以及青年斯蒂芬。